Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Few Random Thoughts

Since yesterday was extremely sciencey and most likely grossly inaccurate, today's post will be nothing more than a stream of random thoughts. Ready? Here we go...

Today our office was moved to trailers. One is a double-wide.

I got to work from home for the first half of today since our computers and phone lines were down in the morning.

I'm flying home at midnight tonight to go camping with my Dad and friends in what is always my favorite weekend of the year.

The director of communications Neil (from Scotland, who worked at CERN in Geneva for many years) believes moving to a trailer is a uniquely American experience and is completely engrossed in the concept. Either that or it is his way of coping...

I need to pay attention to my nut graphs more when I write.

Douglas Adams is a genius author. I'm listening to the Salmon of Doubt during my commutes, and I highly recommend you pick up a copy.

The LCLS really will be an amazing machine. I hope I conveyed that yesterday in a fairly decent manner and didn't screw it up or bore you too much.

I'm really looking foreward to the final Harry Potter book.

Thanks in part to the move, I am now sharing an office with Neil, the head of the communications department here. I am excited about this. Not only because he happens to be one of the nicest and most interesting people I've ever met, but because I'll learn a ton by seeing what his job entails on a daily basis. But I may not be able to surf the internet as much......

Taking days off to visit friends and family sure is nice, but its a ton of work. I've been busting my butt to get things done in preparation of my leaving. I've got about five stories going through editing processes, including my short piece for Symmetry magazine. I hope it all goes smoothly...

As I will be in the Ohio wilderness until Sunday night, this is my last posting of the week.

Y'all come back now ya hear?

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