Greetings everyone, I have returned to SLAC from my short vacation and am here to bore you all to tears yet again! (and there was much rejoicing.)
I believe I forgot to mention this, but my sister and brother-in-law came into town on Wednesday and we all went to Yosemite National Park on Thursday and Friday, then up to Napa Valley on Saturday, and to Golden Gate Park and Fisherman's Wharf on Sunday. I don't think I have to say this but it was a busy four days.
But wonderful.
Yosemite National Park is something that no human being should go without having seen. It is absolutely astonishing and I want to go back for at least a week every year from now on.
Anyways, I came back to work expecting a mountain of emails and editing to get to. I was not disappointed. I have an entire feature story for Symmetry to edit as well as final edits and photos to complete for about five others. One thing is for sure, I won't get bored this week.
But I also came back to a pleasant surprise. I received an email from a coworker with "Congrats" in the subject line and a link in the email. Turns out that my story for SLAC Today was picked up by Physorg.com. I'm not entirely sure what this means, but I think its one person, or several persons', job to to cruise the net and find interesting physics articles and repost them in one place. This lets people who are interested in physics peruse one site for news instead of the entire internet.
So my story in SLAC Today was about the LSST and a clean room with a machine to test materials to be used in its construction. The LSST is a very large telescope that will take detailed pictures of the entire southern hemisphere's night sky in just two nights. The continuous sky scan will build levels of detail never seen before. It's an astounding project, and the camera that is being built for the telescope is equally impressive.
If you want more information, read my article, and visit the LSST website.
I am slightly excited because this is the first time a story of mine has been picked up by an outside source. I don't know if anybody out there actually read it or not, but somebody did at least once in order for it to show up on the website. So that's kind of cool....
1 comment:
Congrats on the hit. It's always nice to see your work in other places.
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