Monday, June 18, 2007

Symmetry Magazine

Welcome back from the weekend. I had a decent trip across the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday, see picture... Though it was cold, cloudy, and EXTREMELY windy, I had a good time and am glad I did it.

Anyways, today's entry is about Symmetry magazine. Symmetry is an absolutely gorgeous publication put out through a joint effort between SLAC and Fermilab. It's goal is to highlight research at accelerator labs across the world by bringing particle physics to the common person. The language is simple and easy to understand, and the layouts and images are simply beautiful.

I talk about it today because the 25th edition is coming out soon. The magazine runs 10 issues a year, so as you can see, it is a relatively new endeavor. I also bring it up because I am working a couple of pieces for the magazine. I'm really excited about this because I adore the magazine and it will be an amazing clip to add to my portfolio.

My assignment is to research and write about poster art for public lectures and events at accelerator labs. This may not sound interesting, but if you had ever seen the posters that SLAC creates to publicize their events, you would be looking forward to it as well. There's a whole slew of these posters hanging in the director's office. My favorite is for a public lecture entitled "Attack on Science" and features a cheesy old drawing of Godzilla circa 1960's.

The problem? The two editors here at SLAC will be in extended vacations throughout July, which means I have about two weeks to get this assignment done. A full length feature that I want to be absolutely perfect in addition to my regular SLAC Today writing duties.... yikes. Wish me luck all.

P.S. To help me get through any times of anxiety, I will be turning towards Sam Adams Summer Ale. A delightfully light and spicy wheat ale that refreshes in the summer heat. I highly recommend you pick up a 6-pack and give it a shot.


Anonymous said...

You sure do mention beer a lot! :)

Glad to hear you are doing well. Hope to see you again in the fall, maybe we'll have a beer.


Ken Kingery said...

Sounds like a plan Allison. And yes, I do mention beer a lot, and will continue to do so. I am a bit of a beer connoisseur. I love trying new types and varieties and microbrews. In fact, on the drive out to California my Dad and I stopped at a different brewpub every night for dinner. And I typically buy a new type of 6-pack every week to try different things, and typically am having one when I post at night before bed, thus the common references. If anyone out there has any suggestions, I'd be more than willing to entertain them...

Anonymous said...

All I know it domestic light beer!

You'll have to educate us on the finer points of beer when you return!
